Monday, February 9, 2009

Quick weekend update Feb. 7-8

Popping in real quick to give a very brief recap of the weekend. Got in 27 miles at TWOT on Saturday in 6:41, then did 5 skydives out at West Point on Sunday. My camera with my TWOT pics is at a friend's house, so I'll post those shots and a race report on Wednesday. In the meantime, here's a quick video from Sunday's jumps. I shot the footage from my helmet-cam and Ahmed edited it all together. For not having jumped in 4 months, it's nice to see we didn't suck too bad!


Tara said...


I went to a movie and then went for a walk. Seems your weekend kills mine in Xgame rating.

It is good that you didn't suck at jumping. Sucking at jumping could be a little dangerous.

ultrarunnergirl said...

yeah, i was kind of wondering what exactly "sucking too bad" entailed also . . .
Great job at T.W.O.T.! You are really getting some serious trail experience under your belt. Impressive, Bobby!